Here’s the Problem… | Mark Whitwell on Doctrine, Yoga and Inspiration
Here is the problem: when mankind invented the written word, he simultaneously invented doctrine. Suddenly, yogic experiences of freedom were turned into ideas and abstractions written in text. The idea of enlightenment, for example; or the idea of God-realization. Presented with the sublime poetry of religious text the public was seduced into the pursuit of exalted, abstract states of being. For thousands of years, the ‘ordinary’ life has been denied in the name of a future possibility. Our lives today remain haunted by spiritual abstractions. We all are trying to become like the Buddha; or we are trying to approximate God-realization as expressed in text; or we read about meditation and inner peace and so we try and meditate and attain what has been described. We are miserable within the idea that we are not measuring up to an imagined standard. Humanity is caught in a desperate struggle within their belief systems. In Yoga, the understanding is that these sublime human possibilities...