Technical Terms: Īśvarapraṇidhāna
We see beauty all around us: a bird in flight, a bee on a flower, the sunlight on the water, the moon in the night sky. And then the mind tries to capture it, savour it, and repeat it. Have you ever noticed that when the mind tries to capture beauty the sense of beauty goes? The mind can never capture beauty nor any experience. It is too slow. The point is you are the beauty. You are the same beauty as the sun, the flower, the water and the bird. When we stop trying to experience beauty, we are free to relax into what is already true. We feel the beauty, love and harmony of the One binding absolute Reality that is appearing as you and I and everything. In the same way, in trying to capture the experiences and ideals of spiritual traditions we can never enjoy them; because we already are what these words express. There is no getting to spiritual ideals. There is no “becoming” a Buddha. There is no getting “enlightened.” What there is is direct participation in Reality Itself; the Nurtur...